When you're pregnant the list of taboo foods is kilometres long. It starts off with your obvious ones: brie, camembert, sushi, potential dodgy leftovers, or Chinese take away that's been sitting in the bain marie for days.
The exclusion of a soft white cheese from my diet for 9 months is the cause of some grief, but to be honest, I'm not that bothered by it. I miss sushi, but no real tears there. Dodgy leftovers, well... I can fore-go 3 day old Spag Bol, ....and slightly congealed Chinese takeaway in a foodcourt bain marie? I wouldn't have gone there anyway.
But there is one thing on the list that breaks my heart. Every. Single. Day. Smallgoods. The food of the Gods. Hot salamis, mild salamis, pancetta, mortadella, kabana, prosciutto, - oh my goodness I miss prosciutto - shaved ham, baked ham, champagne ham, honey ham, smoked ham, ham on the bone, ham off the bone, I even miss twiggy sticks. (well, not really but you get my point.)
There is, however, a slightly grey area, that I have guiltily taken advantage of. No where on the taboo list is bacon.
I know that any person with mild intelligence and a slight appreciation of pork products will know that bacon really ain't that different to ham... But the silver lining, the listeria loophole that I'm hanging on to, is that you get to fry the crap out of bacon and cook it til it's smokin' hot. See-ya later salmonella!
Bring on the BLT!
Eggs & Bacon for brekky? - Yes please!
Bacon bits on a salad? - (can you eat salad without bacon? That's the real question here!!) Bacon on pizza?
Bacon on cornflakes? (I'll give it a go!)
Ration me with rashers and I'll be happy as a pig in... well, maybe the pig reference isn't appropriate in this situation...
Yes, I plead guilty to the Smallgoods Police. I have eaten bacon during my pregnancy. Not a lot to be honest, but if a little bit pops up in my pasta dish, I'm not going to cry about it.
However, it is possible that you might see a pregnant woman with a mad look in her eye, crying at the fabulous Italian deli down the road, (and possibly licking the windows.) If you do, you can always lure me away with the promise of a crispy steaming hot rasher of that salty smoked bacony goodness.

Hmmm, bacon or babies- you mean I can have BOTH?