Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wonder vs Easy

It's well known that Bonds have a product out there called the Wondersuit.
And it truly is a wonderful thing. Currently they're designed & made in Australia from delicious soft & fuzzy cotton and I think you could put just about anyone in a Wondersuit and you'd just want to cuddle them senseless, truly they are the snuggliest thing. A Wondersuit has lovely long sleeves to keep baby warm, with cuffs that fold over to cover little fingers & to keep razor blade baby nails tucked away - because we are all too terrified to cut them.) - The Wondersuit features covered-in feet bits to keep those tiny tootsies toastie, and basic studs to do up from neck to knee, that anyone with 2 opposing thumbs can operate. ...And without sounding toooo much more like a commercial... they have just launched a new style - (no more daggy collar) - and a hyper-rainbow of fab new colours for winter, including the most excellent hot lolly pink - (which I have purchased in a teeny 000 for Number Two, who is now just 18 weeks away!)

It was during the purchasing process that I was reminded of an issue I had blocked from my mind.
Bonds also produce something called the EasySuit.
I ventured out of my way to my Bonds Shop Of Choice on two occasions to buy the lolly pink loveliness, (the 1st time, it was sold out, in all sizes! - 0000 - 2! and in most colours as well...) and there was a laaaarge hole in the stock where the Wondrous Ones once were... snapped up by other manic Bonds fans - such as myself.
Right next to the Wondersuit Section, was the EASYSUIT section... racks heavy with EasySuits in new colours as well, ahh but you can't fool me with your cute micro stripe Bonds... - (and it is just delectably cute,) When it comes down to it, the EasySuit, aint easy.

I stood there looking at them - (perhaps hoping that one of them would materialise into a Wondersuit Wonder Twins Style - "Form of a Wondersuit, shape of...a pink newborn triple 0") - when I noticed just to my right, a poor sleep deprived new Daddy, looking as forlorn and confused as can be, he turned to me, unshaven, bleary eyed and happy - (ahh new Daddies are so cute,) and confessed in fluent bloke - "Y'know these Easysuit things... - well I can't work 'em. We got 3 of 'em for presents and I'm bloody hopeless, I just can't work em."
Cue: Counselling session in the back of Big W... "It's OK, it's not you, it's the suit. None of us can work them, - here, have the last remaining Wondersuit, it'll change your life."
We went on to discuss now IMPOSSIBLE it is to calmly remove the suit from a crying baby with a disaster nappy (sorry it gets graphic here - poo up the back, down the legs, - nightmare) and how even though babies are remarkably bendy - it just looks plain uncomfy wrangling your bub into one.
When Easy Suits were launched, my babe was 6 months old and in a wave of hormones, sleep deprivation & doe eyed new mumminess I gooed and gaaaed at the adorable TVC for the new Easysuit, I caved. I simply had to have one. (wait through the flash intro, then click in the top left corner of the window where is says 'watch the ad'... grab tissues if you are a new mum, it's just gorgeous...)
The Easy Suit is an All-In-One suit with no studs or buttons, it makes visual sense and looks... well.... easy. The tricky bit is, um, putting it on.

Ok, I'll think about this in adult terms for a sec... Imagine if you had a top that had built in pants. An All-In-One body suit that you pulled on over your head, stretched it waaaaaaay down to your feet, put your feet in, then pulled the pants on over your bum and wriggled the rest of the top down your back. There it is. - Hopefully you have been going bonkers at Bikram for 4 years to achieve this or you are a Russian gymnast, then A- HA! Then you might understand the appeal... (until you have to go to the loo)
However, back to baby reality... if the idea of fiddling around in the dark, changing the 8th ballistic poo nappy in a row at 3:30am, after no sleep for a fortnight leaves you thinking there has to be an easier way... well for me... there is. It's a beautiful basic Bonds Wondersuit.
Easy. As. That.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Babycino Etiquette 101

Evie, the fabulous 2 year old in my life - is rather discerning when it comes to Babycinos. In her albeit short career as a Babycino connoisseur, Evie knows what she likes and what she doesn't. (What can I say? The girl has good taste.)

Evie's preference for the frothy stuff goes like this:
  1. It must be about 50/50 milk to froth ratio.
  2. A babycino must be in an espresso cup of sorts, (small latte glass is fine, small cup is also fine, served with spoon, on saucer, with 1 marshmallow please. Pink or white, both are acceptable.)
  3. A babycino must have cappuccino chocolate dust on top.
  4. A babycino must not be too hot - definitely not steaming thanks!
  5. A babycino must not have CHOCOLATE SYRUP in it! (some bonkers Baristas think it's ok to slurp a large shot of pure choc into a 2 year old's 'cino... sheesh bring on the ballistic sugar rush!! "If I want a hot chocolate I'll ask for one thanks!" says Evie.) - err, and Mummy.
  6. And most importantly, a babycino must leave a Dali-esque chocolate moustache from the edges of the lips and curling up the cheeks, created by the chocolate dust. - (This must also be almost impossible to remove with baby wipes. Maximum Moustache Staying Power please!)
Today Evie experienced a babycino of the worst kind.

It was:
  1. Served in a takeaway cup, even though we were sitting inside the cafe.
  2. With a PLASTIC spoon,
  3. It was JUST FROTH,
  4. No Milk,
  5. No Chocky Dust,
  6. No Marshmallows,
  7. No Moustache,
  8. And certainly, no love from the Barista at all.
Evie in her 2 year old wisdom looked at the froth cup, and then at me, then at the froth cup, then at me, put it back on the table after stirring it disinterestedly and asked... "Mummy go to the shops and buy some eggs?"
Either she is a genius, (yes darling, it does look like meringue) or she'd had enough of 'Cafe Dodgycino' and was outta there!

We didn't buy eggs, but we did hightail it without any further ado, to avoid the 'Froth-Wrath' of a discerning Toddler with the highest of babycino standards.