34 weeks pregnant.
Had a scan just to check the progress of the little one inside. fabulous. wonderful. all looks good. OK, now let's measure her...
Here it comes... the 2 words you don't want to hear when describing your unborn child...
aaand 6 weeks of growing to do in there as well.
Other words bandied around on the day included, nice fat rolls, chubby, nice round tummy and yes, the words etched onto my brain, Big. Head. (the other words might've been describing me... not sure, I couldn't hear much past Big. Head.)
Oh yes, now don't get me wrong, I am so thrilled that my 'Little' One is doing so fabulously in there - and I have the knowledge that apparently the 2nd time is easier because everything is pre-stretched... but a big head is a big head, and they come out head first and the head is the biggest bit and this head is particularly, big. Big. Head.
Right. I can only hope that Evie had the foresight to leave instructions in there. - Or in Evie's case, what NOT to do... (thanks Evie...40 degree day, 11 days overdue, Induced, Posterior, Not Engaged, Gas, Pethidine, Epidural, still not engaged and 18 1/2 hrs later, snip snip & helped out with forceps.) The instructions Evie left should read like this Little One... spin your head around the right way, & out we come easy as you please - nice brief 3 hour labour, hospital room with a plasma screen, no stitches and glass of champagne for mummy and high fives all round.
Seriously, somewhere in my mind, I actually believe this is possible.
Evie has been so fabulous with the imminent arrival of her little sister. (she calls her 'The Baby') She cuddles my tummy, lifts up my top to say hello to the Baby and always kisses the Baby goodnight. The other day she found my phone and proceeded to call the Baby. I asked her what she wanted to say to her little sister and she said,- like it was the most obvious thing in the world: "I Love You." awww (sniff, sniff, the gorgeousness of it all).
However, just this week, whilst cuddling her unborn sibling, head resting on tummy, tiny hand gently patting my super-stretched skin, her younger sister booted her in the head. - Evie recoiled and looked at me - eyes wide as saucers... the expression could only be described as "WTF Mummy?!" and I explained in simple terms that the baby had moved, and stretched out her legs and well... kicked... you... um, in the head. (eek)
Evie took a step back and stared at "her baby". The sudden realisation that OMG THERE IS ACTUALLY A BABY IN THERE dawned on her. - I could read her face - and it said... "I thought this was just a nice game we were playing... la-la-nice-baby, funny, doesn't look like a baby, thought mummy was a bit bonkers, just went along with the baby thing to keep mum happy, always thought it was actually just a tummy, but NO it's ACTUALLY A BABY! - I was born to a family of freaks. FREAKS! There' s a person in there!! THERE'S A PERSON IN THERE!! - AND IT HAS A BIG HEAD!!!!! - Good luck with that mummy, I left no instructions, but you should be right..."
Oh Dear.
It all comes back to those two words.
Big. Head.
New Things, New York & Happy New Year
11 years ago