Ohh dear. 25 weeks pregnant and I'm mad as a cut snake... (like one of those Natural Confectionery Co snakes, not one of those nasty Taipan types.) Vague? Yes. Forgetful? Ooooh Yes. Emotional? Oh yes. And most certainly carrying a very fine trip wire that can send me into the hormonally bonkers zone quicker than the Large Hadron Collider.
A fine example of this Temporary Emotional Insanity happened today.
I went to the local shopping centre to do a few chores, post some letters, buy a couple of bits & pieces and deliver on a babycino promise to my Little One.
We also had to buy a new drawing book, for Evie to demonstrate & hone her budding Matisse skills. We went to the art shop. The bright blue, plastic covered A4 visual diary cost $9.99. OK, no problem, here have my eftpos card... The 'delightful' sales assistant said - "Oh no sorry... there's a minimum $10 spend for eftpos".
Are you joking?
"ohh sorrrry. It just has to be ten dollars."
You can't fight store politics with a narky arts student on Uni holidays working for $15 bucks an hour.
I hate to say it but she won. (but not before she copped a forlorn "Mummy where's my book" look from a Two Year Old.... followed up by a look of death from a pregnant mum who was livid and incredulous at the 1 cent knock back.)
So! We hightailed it to the newsagent. (With a stern mental note written in capitals and permanent texta never to return.) By now the babycino promise was wearing thin...
Found a fabulous A4 green covered book.
$9.50 (HA! 49 cents cheaper! Take that narky arts student!)
Strode up to the counter.
"Oh sorry luv, if you want to use your card it has to be TEN DOLLARS."
Biting tongue, holding back steam from pouring out of ears, (actually holding back tears from pouring out of eyes at this stage)
Again: "ARE YOU JOKING? No I don't want some chewy. No I don't want a chupa chup. No I don't want ANYTHING ELSE BUT THE BOOK! - here - I'll give you 50 cents to round it up to ten bucks" - rummage in purse, spill coins, heart rate skyrocketing. (Wriggling toddler in pram was as over it as Mummy by this stage)
"No sorry luv, it's the boss' rules, there's nuthink I can do about it".
('Luv'. 'Nuthink.')
I have no words.
OK. Exit stage right, steer pram wheel into discounted Easter card basket, oops, blink blink, chin wobble, oh dear, the irrational pregnant hormones kick in right...... here.
(why can't I think of an amazingly witty (& cutting) thing to say? Why am I losing the plot? This is SOOOO NOTHING!! - So so so not worth the tears!)
Bleary eyed through food court, make no eye contact, look down, oops tears, why wont they take my money? It was 1 cent for God's sake. Sniff sniff. Keep it cool Kath, this is NOT worth crying over - oh man I used to be so together, GET A GRIP! The thought crossed my mind at this point, "If I run into someone I know now how on Earth will I explain why I am upset??!! - ohh boo-hoo-hoo the lady wouldn't let me buy the book?" From each of my friends, cue: Hysterical Laughter.
And through the insanity comes the sweetest little voice - "Mummy - can I have a babycino please?"
Ahh such beautiful manners. So much nicer than the two mindless morons we have just encountered.
So babycinos it was, and a nerve soothing margherita pizza with big fat (crave crushing) kalamata olives to share.
Truly though, the temporary emotional insanity that comes with pregnancy is baffling! I am a strong, secure, confident woman. To be reduced to tears in Northland over something so paltry completely rocks me. (Although it's probably not as bad as last time. When I was pregnant with Evie I cried buckets when Kate Ritchie won the Gold Logie.) Truly devastating. I have never even watched Home & Away.
However, after the dramas of the morn, the tale ends happily ever after, as on the way home, we found the same book at Officeworks for $4.95. And Evie performed a fabulous jumping rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Daddy Bought a Motor Car version) to many Officeworks admirers, as a special thanks for letting us use an Eftpos card for a purchase of under $10.
New Things, New York & Happy New Year
11 years ago